Honeywell PC42d label printer - desktop - direct thermal - Ethernet + USB + serial
Honeywell PC42d label printer - desktop - direct thermal - Ethernet + USB + serial
Honeywell PC42d - 203 dpi
Desktop label printer
Direct thermal
Ethernet + USB + serial (incl. USB cable)
ZPLII-, EPL-emulation and DPL- and DP-programming languages
Desktop label printer
Direct thermal
Ethernet + USB + serial (incl. USB cable)
ZPLII-, EPL-emulation and DPL- and DP-programming languages
Information on the manufacturer (information obligations under the GPSR Product Safety Regulation)
Honeywell Productivity Solutions GmbH
Forumstrasse 30
41468 Neuss, Deutschland
+49 211 53601 0
QUAD-Articlenumber: 1051A